The objective of this research was to identify the types of methodological approaches used in educational interventions aimed at people living with diabetes mellitus. Narrative literature review, searching four databases (Scielo, CINAHL, Scopus and Web of Science), from 2014 to 2018. We identified 143 studies from the Descriptors in Health Sciences (DeCS): “Diabetes mellitus ”; “Health Education” and “Medication Adherence” to search the SciELO Virtual Library. The descriptors MeSH (Medical Subject Headings), “Diabetes mellitus” and “Health education” were used in CINAHL, SCOPUS and Web Of Science databases. 14 articles made up the final sample. It was possible to identify several modalities of interventions that, when selected, describe exactly the objective to be achieved and in this context the approach with the best results and a wide possibility of application was the group conformation conversation map, although it is not yet considered. as a “gold standard” is a promising tool in diabetes education.
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