Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

Dana Gardner Munro and Ralph L. Woodward: two American visions of Central America in the early and late twentieth century
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Central America
Social Sciences
Dana G. Munro
Ralph Lee Woodward
United States
Ciencias Sociales
Dana G. Munro
Ralph Lee Woodward
Estados Unidos

How to Cite

Molina Jiménez, I. (2015). Dana Gardner Munro and Ralph L. Woodward: two American visions of Central America in the early and late twentieth century. Revista Estudios, (31), 31–41.


This article compares the visions of Central America present in two classic studies written by U.S. scholars: The Five Republics of Central America (1918) by Dana G. Munro, and Central America, a Nation Divided (1976) by Ralph Lee Woodward. Besides considering the differences and similarities between them, I also analyze the insertion of these two books in the intellectual marketplace and their critical background to discuss the role played by the United States in Central America.
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Revista Estudios, (31), II 2015, 1-10 ISSN 1659-3316

La Revista Estudios es editada por la Universidad de Costa Rica y se distribuye bajo una Licencia

Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 3.0 Costa Rica. Para más información

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Revista Estudios, (31), II 2015, 1-10 ISSN 1659-3316

La Revista Estudios es editada por la Universidad de Costa Rica y se distribuye bajo una Licencia

Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 3.0 Costa Rica. Para más información

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