Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

MAD MEN (2007-2015): aspectos narratológicos
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Mad Men
television series
narrative structure
Mad Men
serie de televisión
estructura narrativa

How to Cite

Rodríguez Jiménez, L. (2016). MAD MEN (2007-2015): aspectos narratológicos. Revista Estudios, (33), 224–268.


The article proposes a narrative approach to Mad Men (AMC, 2007-2015), the television series by the creator and screenwriter Matthew Weiner. The story is analyzed structurally, emphasizing its narrative mechanisms. Firstly, the beginning of the narrative –incipit- is tackled by highlighting the codes that are already orienting the reception of the series, in order to contrast them with the elements that draw an end to the story. Afterwards, the spatial construction is examined upon the concept of cronotopos, according to Mikhail Bakhtin’s perspective. From there onwards, three main cronotopos will be analyzed: the city as a great stage, the homes and lastly, the different offices of the agency Sterling Cooper, which is the predominant cronotopos in the opinion of the one writing these lines. Finally, the topic of temporary matters is handled, in this case, in accordance to three different points of view: as course of time, as discourse and as vital experience.
PDF (Español (España))


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