Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

Sexuality in young persons, a reading from the National Survey of Youths in Costa Rica
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Sexual Health
Sexual Relations
Young People
salud sexual
relaciones sexuales
personas jóvenes


This article addresses data from the Second National Youth Survey (2013) regarding the sexuality module. Among the main results of young people 86% if they have received information about sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or AIDS, while 13% have not received information. Regarding contraceptive methods, 15.9% did not receive any information. 70.5% of young people have received information about the functioning of reproductive organs and 68% stated that they have received information about the responsibilities that sexuality entails. Regarding violence when analyzing the data, 4.4% reported having suffered sexual harassment, 2.8% having suffered sexual abuse. Regarding the acts of violence carried out on the Internet, they reported having faced situations like sending pornography through social networks (12.8%), to 5.1% have made offensive comments on blogs and websites. It is necessary to approach sexual education with young people, from an approach of understanding the body, caring for the couple and self-care.
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