Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

Nightmares of the shadow: a reading of "Boxeador" by Carlos Wynter
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ominous; double; duality; oneiric; alter ego; Latin American narrative
ominoso; doble; dualidad; onírico; alter ego; narrativa latinoamericana


In this reading of the story "Boxeador" (2007) by Carlos Wynter (Panama, 1971), i analyze the ineffable considerating two interrelated notions: the oneiric and the double. The work studies what was exposed by Sigmund Freud in his article "The ominous". In a complementary way i work with Otto Rank´s theory exposed in his book The double and what was proposed by Luisa Valenzuela in Escritura y secreto. The significance of this story, around the double theme, is that the author builds his tale outside the narrative mode of the fantastic. Carlos Wynter prioritizes in his text an exploration of the character's image and focuses on the repressions of the past that beset the subject.
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