Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

Review of the Estudios Magazine
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Magazine Estudios; Humanities; History of culture; academic articles;dissemination
Revista Estudios; Humanidades; Historia de la Cultura; artículos académicos; divulgación

How to Cite

Mora Chinchilla, C. (2020). Review of the Estudios Magazine. Revista Estudios, (40).


The publication of Estudios magazine, officially number 40, has served as motivation to write this story. Its ups and downs are analyzed to demonstrate that the magazines main goals, the continuous improvement of the academic life at the the School of General Studies and the permanent reflection over the humanities, has been maintained throughout its entire trajectory.

Natural human development will serve as a simile as we revise the different stages of the life of the magazine. Like a person, it had its birth, a long childhood, a hard adolescence and a maturity in which nowadays, yields experience and serenity. Supported by the institutionality of the University of Costa Rica, it now enjoys a place in the portal of academic magazines developed by the alma mater.

It’s important to highlight that Estudios, as part of the School of General Studies, has a reserved space for themes in areas such as arts, humanities, thought, history, medicine, education and a long list of others. Systematic investigation and discussion, have opened many possibilities to all academics that have contributed their knowledge to the continuous improvement of the magazine. The diffusion of this scientific knowledge to the world, is our obligation.
PDF (Español (España))



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