Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

Learning the socio-emotional competencies of helping relationships through the flipped classroom: report of an experience
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emotional skills
flipped classroom
experiential learning
helping relationship
habilidades socioemocionales
aula invertida
aprendizaje experiencial
relación de ayuda


In this text, in the form of a story, I narrate in first person the practical teaching experience developed in the subject of Communication and Helping Relationships of the Degree in Social Work, in which an inverted classroom experience was implemented. The students received their theoretical classes via “podcasts” and the class time was dedicated to experiential learning activities. Despite the difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the obligation to conduct classes in online and hybrid format, the methodology implemented for this course has been ideal for dealing with a subject with a high emotional content, in which students not only have to learn content, but must also develop their socio-emotional skills. From the experience I conclude that the inverted classroom methodology contributes to the development of the competences of the subject and, secondly, that the motivation and commitment of the students to their own learning is a key element for the development of these types of experiences.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Carlos Hernández-Fernández


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