Management of Education ISSN electrónico: 2215-2288

Education quality considering historical and current perspectives of humanitarianism in the field of education
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calidad de la educación
quality of education


Quality in education is a notion that deals with diverse and complex concerns that range from the merely economic -an approach that was favored a few decades ago and still today-, to different schools of thought that comprise the philosophical, epistemological, anthropological and sociocultural dimensions. It is a national concern from the moment it was institutionalized and became a constitutional responsibility of the State. It is fundamental to focus on the fact that studies in “quality” have concentrated more on the semantic field of the term than in the analysis of actions that allow alternative solutions to the quality problem in the field of education. Consequently, the definition and notion of quality are somewhat troublesome to articulate in a way that the different parties in the different fields may be satisfied. Individuals, groups, and institutions develop different perceptions and assessments about the quality of an object based on their schemata and subjective judgment, and this phenomenon is transferred not only to what education is but also to other social issues. Scientists and theoreticians from diverse fields (including the positivistic and humanitarian approaches to education) have questioned and researched on the issue of quality in this context; as a result, the topic has been outlined from different perspectives from epistemology to ideology, including the anthropological and sociocultural perspectives on the subject. Among the different theoretical approaches analyzed in this research, humanitarianism and transhumanism are strategic to understand the quality of the term education in the XXI century. Humanitarianism is an approach, theory, school or philosophical system that has accompanied education from early times, from the ancient Greek civilization, to nowadays. Transhumanism has become a fashionable ideology today that bases its philosophy on the idea that humankind can improve with the assistance of emerging technologies, increasing their physical and cognitive capacities and their life span as human beings. It is a fact that the concern for quality in the field of education has revealed to be fundamental in the construction of a more egalitarian world for the different cultures and countries around the orb.
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