Educational systems have incorporated a diversity of processes and strategies to improve educational quality and one of these actions are certifications and accreditations that evaluate teaching-learning processes. Aim: this article aims to analyze the role played by certifications and accreditations assigned to higher education institutions, as a tool for transparency and accountability on the usage of economic resources that the government assigns to public higher education institutions. Methodology: this research is qualitative; the interpretive method and documentary research were used. Results: ISO (International Organization for Standardization) and specifically the specifications of the ISO 21001 standard and the ISO 21001:2018 standard which have indicators that show aspects of accountability. Conclusions: education, specifically, higher education, is considered a common good and a fundamental means to generate economic and social development in the country. For this reason, the existence of mechanisms to raise transparency and accountability of educational authorities is essential, so that the allocated resources are destined for the optimal training of professionals.
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