Revista humanidades ISSN electrónico: 2215-3934

Eve in Paradise: The Construction and the Representation of the Female Body on the Beach as a Tourist Attraction in Costa Rica
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Costa Rica
estereotipo sexual
Costa Rica
gender stereotypes

How to Cite

Barboza Núñez, E. (2016). Eve in Paradise: The Construction and the Representation of the Female Body on the Beach as a Tourist Attraction in Costa Rica. Revista Humanidades, 6(2), 1–30.


The article analyzes the representation of the female body in the advertisement industry of the beach as a touristic destination in Costa Rica.  The paper starts with a survey of the status of the female body in Western androcentric thought, since its Judeo-Christian and classical roots, to the advent of modernity. There is also an analysis of the way the female body is constructed in graphic representations, and the main thesis states that the ads intended to attract tourists to the beach and in which the female body appears generate a double othernes in women. First, as females with bodies controlled by an androcentric worldview that uses them as Eve-Mermaids that tempt and attract the potential visitor. The second one, as an element that recreates a fantasy of colonial exploration of a “virgin” beach, and that takes the bodies away from Cartesian racionality, in which the mind rules over a body that must be controlled and domesticated by reason.
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