Revista humanidades ISSN electrónico: 2215-3934

The Word and the Air: Conjuros del alba by Jorge Chen-Sham
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Creative writing

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Sanabria, C. (2016). The Word and the Air: Conjuros del alba by Jorge Chen-Sham. Revista Humanidades, 6(2), 1–30.


This text analyses the second collection of poems written by Jorge Chen-Sham, Conjuros del alba and its link to his first book of poems, Nocturnos de mar inacabada. This article emphasizes the elements that lead the reading of a piece of work that is well-structured since it is organized in topics, what brings about a clue to its reading.  The articulacy is promoted by the invocation of the divine word, that in this case is a reality creator, under the disguised of spells--and also in linguistic and structural tune with the archaic biblical discourse. Nevertheless, it is not completely biblical since the poems end up to be pagan. But the magnitude of the word does not circumscribe to this dimension, since the liric speaker shows its intervention as s desire's mediator.  And if by definition what the poet looks for is his spirit' elevation, it will necessarily move in The air's territory which is the same element to which dawns belongs to, and where cosmogony locates the Origen of the world.
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