The aim of this paper is to develop the centrality of the category Erfahrung [experience] within Critical Theory, in regard to the possibilities of a critical cinema. In methodological terms, , this paper outlines a genealogy in this tradition that takes as its origin a dialectical notion of Erfahrung held by Walter Benjamin (introducing secondarily insights from Siegfried Kracauer and Theodor W. Adorno); and that continues in the appropriation and actualization of the category present in the theoretical and cinematographic work of Alexander Kluge. Rather than providing a gnoseological or political sense, this approach to experience lets us showing a double valence of the concept with significant consequences for the cultural sphere. Thus, this investigation argues that this category of Erfahrung allows critical thinkers both to identify the atrophy or loss of experience in the context of reification and repetition of the culture industry and to suggest a transformation of the horizon of experience in which cinema could participate. In consequence, put in Klugelian terms, the argument contends that cinema as a public countersphere would make it possible to mobilize the rest of uncolonized experience that survives in the fantasy of human beings and to activate another venue for social experience through public debate and discussion.
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