Revista humanidades ISSN electrónico: 2215-3934

A Philosophical Reading of <em>The Marquise De Gange</em> (1813) by The Marquis De Sade
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Solano-Fallas, A. (2022). A Philosophical Reading of <em>The Marquise De Gange</em> (1813) by The Marquis De Sade. Revista Humanidades, 12(2), e50728.


This text undertakes a descriptive-analytical approach that the Marquis de Sade made on four philosophical issues, or that may be of interest for philosophical work, contained in the novel The Marquise de Gange (1813). The topics to be discussed are: considerations on the concepts of nature, religion and God, as well as on matters related to marriage and the supposed role of female submission. In each of them, emphasis is placed on the postulates or ideas that guided their reflection, as well as the criticisms that emerge from them. Regarding the methodical, the article is channeled into an approach typical of analytical philosophy, in which Sade's text is carefully scrutinized, providing the proper textual evidence, for the sake of systematization, clarity and precision of the topics in question. It is concluded that the approach to these four themes is not a mere narrative resource in his novel, but that the novel itself is a space in which it is possible to observe the critical reflection that the Marquis sustained with themes that were in vogue at the time.
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