Cuadernos Inter.c.a.mbio sobre Centroamérica y el Caribe ISSN Impreso: 1659-0139 ISSN electrónico: 1659-4940

Transition process to open evaluation

The journal Cuadernos Inter.c.a.mbio on Central America and the Caribbean (CICAC), in the framework of its 20th anniversary, gladly assumes the challenge of incorporating the open evaluation modality - gradually - to its editorial work, in order to begin to apply the postulates of open science, understood as: "a movement that aims to make science more open, accessible, efficient, democratic and transparent" [own translation] (UNESCO, 2023,

As of July 2023, this editorial project began to implement open refereeing with one of the articles proposed for Vol. 20, No. 2-2023 (July-December). It is planned that from Vol. 21, no. 1, 2024 onwards, the experience can be extended to more articles. Thus, we open the possibility for authors who wish to submit their articles to consider the option of choosing between the following two evaluation alternatives, namely: the traditional double-blind mode (in which the personal data of both the evaluators and the authors are kept confidential) and the open evaluation (both the author and the reviewer know the identity of their counterparts).

Likewise, starting with Vol. 21, No. 1, 2024, the editorial team may - after an internal evaluation - propose that the author of a given article submit it to an open evaluation. It should be noted that authors and reviewers who decide to participate in this evaluation modality will be duly accompanied and guided by the editorial team. The process will be beneficial and formative for all parties involved.

For the time being, CICAC will be applying the first degree of openness, which consists of disclosing the identity of the author and the identity of those who are in charge of evaluating the article. As conditions allow, the second degree of openness is expected to be applied, which makes it possible to publish the names of the reviewers on the journal's website. The third degree of openness implies the publication of the evaluation forms. In due time, we will keep our readers informed about the progress we are making in this effort of openness towards the application of open science practices.