Soundtracks 02/15/2020
Interview with historian Esteban Fernández Morera on his article ‘Purificando el cine en Costa Rica, 1936-1937: cruzada global, censura moral y movilización católica’ (Volume 17, number 1, 2020) in the programme Pistas Sonoras on 15 February 2020. This programme belongs to the radio stations of the University of Costa Rica.
Soundtracks 03/02/2019
Interview with Dr Eugenia Zavaleta Ochoa on her article ‘Los certámenes de Paisaje Rural y la expansión de la mancha urbana en Costa Rica (1973-2003)’ (Volume 15, number 2, 2018) in the programme Pistas Sonoras on 2 March 2019. This programme belongs to the radio stations of the University of Costa Rica.