A new species of <i>Epidendrum</i> (Orchidaceae) from The Central Andes of Antioquia, Colombia
Endemism, Macrostachyum group, paramo, Sonsón, taxonomyAbstract
The new species, Epidendrum sonsonense, was discovered while determining the herbarium specimens housed in the herbarium of Fundación Jardín Botánico Joaquin Antonio Uribe, JAUM. The species belongs to the informal Macrostachyum group and is endemic to the Paramo of Sonsón, Department of Antioquia, Colombia, characterized by the thickened stems, densely many-flowered raceme, and creamy-yellow flowers. A Lankester Composite Digital Plate (LCDP) of fresh material collected at the type locality is presented here. Studying additional collections at Colombian herbaria produced additional specimens of the same species.

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