PENSAR EN MOVIMIENTO requires all parts involved in the manuscript publication process, regardless of their role as editorial team, reviewers, or authors, to follow international ethics standards. In addition, we use Duplichecker and Google to detect plagiarism.
Pensar en Movimiento relies on the international norms from the Committee on Publication Ethics-COPE). We have obtained permission from COPE to distribute information on the plagiarism detection process. For more information, please visit
Participant responsibilities include:
Editors must adopt the highest standards and peer review methods for all articles to be reviewed by specialized and suitable reviewers. Editors must clearly define which sections are not to be reviewed by peers, make sure that reviewers contribute to the detection of plagiarism and ethical potential anomalies, and ensure the Journal has clear publication standards. Finally, they should advise both authors and reviewers on all the publication processes, with the goal of promoting appropriate research and publication behavior.
Authors must conduct their research in an ethical and responsible manner. They should present their results clearly, honestly, and transparently so that their findings can be confirmed or replicated by the scientific community. Authors must not send the manuscript simultaneously to other journals for evaluation. In addition, authors must source the studies on which they based their research and give credit to the entities that financed it, as well as declare if there is any conflict of interest. Finally, authors should take responsibility for the published research.
Reviewers must communicate to the editors any possible scientific fraud or plagiarism in the manuscripts they evaluate. They should provide objective feedback and a recommendation for each manuscript within the allotted time. They should also provide a sound rationale for rejecting an article or else provide recommendations for a stronger publication.
Pensar en Movimiento uses services from Google, Duplichecker, and Turnitin to detect plagiarism. In addition, reviewers are requested to be alert to possible forms of plagiarism in a manuscript.
Special attention is paid to those manuscripts showing more than 5% duplicity in the text. Each duplicated section is checked and a rewrite is requested from the authors.
Whenever it is obvious that substantial portions of the manuscript are plagiarized, the manuscript is rejected immediately and the pertinent organizations are informed. For these situations, we follow established procedures by the international norms from the Committee on Publication Ethics-COPE.