Pensar en Movimiento: Revista de Ciencias del Ejercicio y la Salud ISSN Impreso: 1409-0724 ISSN electrónico: 1659-4436

Sports preparation in goalball: a systematic review
Portada del volumen 19, número 1
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sports preparation
athlete training
systematic review
preparación deportiva
entrenamiento de atletas
revisión sistemática
preparação esportiva
treinamento de atletas
revisão sistemática

How to Cite

Fernández Muñoz, M. P., Campos Campos, K., Luarte Rocha, C., & Castelli, L. F. (2021). Sports preparation in goalball: a systematic review. Pensar En Movimiento: Revista De Ciencias Del Ejercicio Y La Salud, 19(1), e45702.


The objective of this study was to describe the scientific knowledge generated in the past 10 years in terms of sports preparation (SP), with emphasis on the training system of goalball athletes in different competitive levels. For this purpose, a systematic review was carried out on the major data bases—Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, SciELO and LILACS, from January, 2010, to January, 2021. A total 136 studies were identified, from which, after eliminating duplicates and applying exclusion and inclusion criteria, and in accordance with the procedures shown on the PRISMA flowchart, 15 original articles were selected for qualitative analysis. The main results showed that anaerobic alactic metabolism is critical in this sports modality, and that a strong link exists between strength/power of upper and lower extremities and ball throw. On the other hand, repetitive patterns exist in throwing techniques depending on gender, as well as effectiveness depending on the type of throw. The study highlights the fact that throw speed is key for scoring a goal. Similarly, dominant functions exist according to the positions within the play field, and these need to be taken into account. Finally, mental training favors the acquisition of techniques that will help to overcome unforeseen obstacles during a game. The study observes the need for greater evidence and knowledge about SP in this modality, as these are indispensable factors that must be contemplated by trainers in order to optimize the competitive performance of their athletes.
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