Pensar en Movimiento: Revista de Ciencias del Ejercicio y la Salud ISSN Impreso: 1409-0724 ISSN electrónico: 1659-4436

Information For Authors

Updated May 22nd, 2024


Welcome! In order to send your contribution to our journal, you must first register as an author. To do so, click HERE or on the "Register" tab on the top bar of the page, and follow the instructions. After that you will be able to login as an author, and you will have a link to send your manuscript. Should you face any difficulties as you register or attempt to submit your manuscript, we will be pleased to help out; simply write to

Manuscript submission is an electronic process through the Open Journals System (OJS). If you are not reading this information at our website, you must first go to Go to the “Publish” tab and follow the instructions.

Our system will require you to upload a file with the complete manuscript, including an abstract in both English and Spanish (Portuguese negotiable). You should not include any author information, in order to follow a blind review. You must also include a completed letter of originality and copyright transfer (download here), where each author’s contribution should be clearly stated, according to the following codes: A- Financial support B- Study Design C- Data Collection D- Statistical Analysis and interpretation of results E- Manuscript Preparation.  


Pensar en Movimiento recommends the use of the following sections: INTRODUCTION, METHODS, RESULTS, DISCUSSION, REFERENCES, and APPENDICES (authors are encouraged to include raw data as appendices, if they wish to undergo a more transparent process). In addition, it is important to consider word count limits: 5,000 words for all articles except for systematic reviews (7,000 word limit). Finally, please consider our "Structure for abstracts and suggestions for descriptors or keywords", on these instructions.


JUST BAKED: Detailed information for authors

Just Baked: Detailed Information for Authors

Pensar en Movimiento offers authors the option of publishing their articles as soon as they have been accepted in the peer review process, before going through the normal proofreading, editing, and diagramming processes, which can advance their publication between four and six weeks. To qualify for this option, authors must meet all the legal requirements of the Journal, give their approval, and provide a PDF version of the accepted manuscript, which will be published in the Journal within a maximum period of one week. Meanwhile, the manuscript continues in the normal process until the galley proof is approved by the author(s). At this point, both the Just Baked version and the final diagrammed version will be made available to readers. This final official version is eventually used to generate the article in XML, EPUB, or any other emerging format.

The authors of the Just Baked manuscripts are fully responsible for their contents and formatting; therefore, the PDF file must be prepared with great care and be submitted in its final, clean version. The file must have all the references in the correct format, including the corresponding DOI for each reference (when available), or a direct access URL when a DOI is not available. Any errors detected in a Just Baked manuscript will only be corrected in the final official version. Pensar en Movimiento does not recommend publishing this way when there is a pending patent application at the time of acceptance, or if a permit or license to reproduce previously published material is yet to be received. If an author chooses not to publish as Just Baked, his or her manuscript will not be published until the complete conventional process is finished.

Just Baked manuscripts are considered published as soon as they are posted on the journal website. However, this is not the official final version of the manuscript; that will be the one after copyediting and layout. The original date of publication will be registered in the manuscript, being the date when it was first posted on the journal website, whether it was in the Just Baked or the final official version.

Any Just Baked manuscript can be correctly cited by other authors. For this purpose, they should use the assigned DOI and the legend "Just Baked version, published on DATE" (see watermark in Just Baked articles). Since this is not the final, official version, no page numbers should be cited. Because the DOI will remain the same when the final, official version replaces the Just Baked manuscript, the citation will not be altered, even though the manuscript content may change slightly as a result of copyediting.



ATTENTION: In our desire to make the manuscript preparation process more author-friendly, we have made a few changes to our instructions. Please refer to manuscripts from volume 17, 2019 (see this article: as your model. You may also follow the norms below.

Manuscripts in the Journal Pensar en Movimiento follow the publication and formatting norms from the current American Psychological Association (APA) Manual, that is, the fourth edition. Papers may be submitted in Spanish, English, or Portuguese (see publication language policies


Our editorial committee will accept original manuscripts provided they have not been published elsewhere. In addition, once accepted for publication, articles must be submitted in the following format:

We recommend the use of the following sections: INTRODUCTION, METHODS, RESULTS, DISCUSSION, REFERENCES, and APPENDICES, the latter if necessary. Do not use the title in the introduction. You will find the exceptions to this rule in the Sections Policy.

The header, therefore, serves to identify the document in any of its parts. To do this, use two to five words of the title.

The title (in English and Spanish) must clearly indicate the main result of the research and shall not exceed 18 words; it should be all capitalized and centered.

 Text Structure

  1. The text must be written using a word processor in .doc or .docx format (Word).
  2. Use Arial font and font size 11.
  3. Regarding alignment, text must be justified in one column.
  4. The title of the article must be uppercase, bold, and centered.
  5. Titles of each section must be uppercase and bold, and subtitles must be normal size and in italics.
  6. All pages must be numbered.
  7. Tables and figures must be labeled and include information about the source.


Abstract Structure and Keywords

Abstracts both in English and in Spanish must have the same information and not exceed 250 words each. At the end, add 3 to 5 keywords; we recommend these descriptors to be different from the words in the title to improve search engine functionality.

Different study types will include different specific parts for the abstract, as detailed below, according to the APA 2021:

Abstract structure for an experimental study report: this is typically built from the research problem, the participants and their particular characteristics relevant to the study. Basic characteristics of the study methods. Essential results. Conclusions and practical application.

Abstract structure for a literature review or a meta-analysis: The problem. Inclusion and exclusion criteria. The type of participants included in the main studies. Main results. Conclusions and application.

Abstract structure for an article with a theoretical approach: article objective. Theory statement, or the model or principles on which the theory is based, together with the phenomena explained by them. Link between the theory or model and empirical results.

Abstract structure for a methodological paper: proposed methods. Main characteristics of the methods. Scope of the potential use of the methods, in the case of information or data analysis procedures. Main data characteristics. 

Abstract structure for a case study: Topic and individual or entity relevant characteristics. Origin of the problem or solution illustrated by the use of a case study. Questions related to other studies or additional theories. 

In addition, upon approval for publication, the authors will be required to submit a 150-word summary in everyday language.

Figures and Tables

Drawings, graphs, diagrams, illustrations and photographs will all be collectively called figures. They should be included in the main document, where the author wishes them to appear in the final document, never surpassing text margins. The text should mention each figure, numbered in order of appearance.

Both figures and tables should use Arial type Font size 11.  Sending each table and figure in a separate file as well is recommended to facilitate final layout.

APA format must be followed (seventh edition, 2020 in English or fourth edition, 2021 in Spanish).  

Place the title, possible concise explanations of the figure, clarification of abbreviations, statistics, symbols, etc. below each figure. 

Graphs should be plotted in two dimensions only (no 3-D).

Photographs may be used to illustrate particular details of your work.

All figures (black and white or in color, but in high resolution) should be submitted together with the manuscript in their original format to facilitate layout modifications, if necessary. For any figures which are not originally yours, you must obtain and submit to our journal the appropriate permissions of use. In the particular case of photographs, this may imply permission from both the person(s) photographed as well as the photographer.

Norms for References

APA format must be followed (seventh edition, 2020 in English or fourth edition, 2021 in Spanish). The list of references should be organized in alphabetical order beginning with the first author and a hanging indent. We recommend using references sparingly, carefully selecting them according to their relevance. It is important to emphasize that at this stage, should the article be accepted, the author will be required to provide direct hyperlinks to the references used in the manuscript. Please refer to the following guide:


Some of the most frequently types of citations are as follows:

Printed Book

Moncada-Jiménez, J. (2005). Estadística para ciencias del movimiento humano. Editorial de la Universidad de Costa Rica.

Manuscript from a Printed Journal

Santana, A., Guillén, F. y Márquez, S. (2002). Bienestar psicológico y actividad física en poblaciones ciegas y con deficiencias visuales. Revista de Ciencias del Ejercicio y la Salud, 2(1), 14-22.

Manuscript from Electronic Journal

Gonzalezjurado, J.M., León-Prados, J. A., Nuviala-Nuviala, A. y Molina, E. C. (2011). Efecto de un programa de entrenamiento de fuerza contra resistencia sobre componentes de la aptitud física en mujeres mayores. Pensar en movimiento: Revista de Ciencias del Ejercicio y la Salud, 9(1), 1-11.


Self-archived Paper

Sojo, B., Jiménez, Y. y Fernández, E. (2009). Identificación de posibles espacios para senderos en el campus de la Sede del Atlántico y la Finca Experimental Interdisciplinaria de Modelos Agroecólogicos (FEIMA).


If your manuscript has been accepted for publication, you will be required to submit a final version meeting all the format requirements of the journal. The following checklist will help you verify that you have everything you need according to the publication format we require:





Title (no more than 18 words)



Abstract (English) and resumen (Spanish) (250 words each, maximum)



Keywords in Spanish and English (3 to 5 each)



Main manuscript with the correct format



Citations according to APA current version (7th. ed. English, 4th Spanish)



Reference list according to APA current version (7th. ed. English, 4th Spanish)



URL for each of the references



Colloquial summary (150 words maximum)



Tables and figures in the corresponding format







For inquiries, please write to