Pensar en Movimiento: Revista de Ciencias del Ejercicio y la Salud ISSN Impreso: 1409-0724 ISSN electrónico: 1659-4436


Journal sections

Section Policies




  • Luis Fernando Aragón V.
Unchecked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Unchecked Peer Reviewed


Invited Articles 

Articles by invitation are requested by the Editor in Chief of the Journal. These are summaries of the current state of knowledge in concrete topics, written by noted Spanish-speaking scientists of exercise or, in some cases, English-speaking scientists that agree to have their articles published both in English and in Spanish. The main objective is to disseminate first-quality information, especially written for an audience that prefers to read in Spanish. For instances of articles by invitation, see here.

These articles will be evaluated by the reviewers using the following form:

1. The topic is appropriate for the scope of the journal.

2. The manuscript makes a valuable contribution to the current knowledge in its area.

3. It has not been previously published in another journal.

4. Results are presented objectively.

5. Conclusions are well supported.

6. The manuscript has good order, coherence and writing.

7. It follows the guidelines for authors.

8. At least 50% of the references are 5 years old or less.

Evaluation Form For Invited Articles 


  • Luis Fernando Aragón V.
Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


Experimental Research and Metaanalysis 

These are original research papers and metaanalyses which meet the following criteria: abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion and references. These manuscripts will be rated by our reviewers using one of the following forms:

Detailed Evaluation Form

General evaluation Form (Whit recommendation)



  • Luis Fernando Aragón V.
  • Pedro Carazo Vargas
Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


Clinical Section and Case Studies in Sports Performance

The paper must have been authorized by the respective ethical committee, or else have the retrospective consent of the athlete whose case is being reported, in writing, in accordance with the requirements of the most recent version of the Helsinki Declaration. These manuscripts will be rated by our reviewers using one of the following forms:

Detailed Evaluation Form

General evaluation Form (Whit recommendation)



  • Alvaro Barrenechea Coto
Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Descriptive, Correlational and Qualitative studies 

This section includes original manuscripts meeting the general guidelines for authors. They must include the following subtitles: abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion and references. As stated in the title, papers can be of a descriptive, correlational, or qualitative nature. These manuscripts will be rated by our reviewers using one of the following forms:

Detailed Evaluation Form

General evaluation Form (Whit recommendation))



  • Judith Jiménez Díaz
  • Elizabeth Carpio Rivera
    Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


Systematic Reviews

The mission of this section is to publish analysis, synthesis, and critiques of current scientific evidence on specific, relevant, and first quality topics on the Sciences of Human Movement and Health. Articles in this section have a suggested limit of 7000 words; accepting texts exceeding this limit is at the Editor’s discretion.

The methodology must be rigorous. Important aspects must be verified including having a comprehensive review of sources of information, ensuring that those sources are applicable and relevant for the systematic review, and clearly defining the criteria for inclusion and exclusion of studies and for searching. The manuscript must make a critical contribution and have sufficient current sources (last 5 years).

For a good example of a systematic review, please go to the following link:

Finally, we suggest that the author carefully review whether the manuscript is a systematic review or an essay.

These articles will be assessed by the reviewers with the following form:

 Detailed Form for systematic Review



  • Melissa Varela Briceño
Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


Essays and bibliographic reviews

This section publishes essays with wide and well-founded reflections about specific topics or hypotheses related to Human Movement and Health Sciences.

Manuscripts submitted to this section have a 7000-word limit and should include at least the following elements: introduction, main body, and conclusion. In addition, the author(s) must make sure that the article follows a clear train of thought, allowing the readers to understand the manuscript’s main topic or hypothesis. In addition, the Journal publishes bibliographic reviews that, based on theoretical frameworks, analyze and synthesize results, ideas, theses, and contributions related to Health and Human Movement Sciences, reported in scientific articles, academic papers, and books, among others. 

Detailed Evaluation Form

General evaluation Form (Whit recommendation)


  • Luis Fernando Aragón V.
Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


Science and Football 

Articles in this section have association football (soccer) as their main subject, but they may include consolidated offspring sports such as beach soccer and indoor soccer or futsal. Studies may be experimental or descriptive, literature reviews and expert analyses on training, strategy or tactics. There may also be specialized discussions on sports management or tutorials (teaching recommendations for the improvement of skills or tactics). All papers submitted to this section must include a strong scientific background. When the author’s experience or academic production are the basis of a paper, it must be clearly stated in the body of the article that such material is original, to distinguish it from the work of other authors. These manuscripts will be rated by our reviewers using one of the following forms: 

Detailed Evaluation Form

General evaluation Form (Whit recommendation)



  • Alejandro Salicetti Fonseca
Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


Technical Note 

Manuscripts in this section will clearly explain a relevantproblem in need of solution, together with the methods used and the proposed solution. These are very specific problems which would not warrant a full-length article, but are documented with the same rigor.

Methods should be clearly described, as well as the target population and the specific recommendations made according to the results.

An abstract should be included, with the same characteristics as those used in the experimental research section. There should be a list of key references with no less than three and no more than ten papers cited. The maximum length of the manuscript should be four pages. These manuscripts will be rated by our reviewers using one of the following forms:

Detailed Evaluation Form

General evaluation Form (Whit recommendation)



  • Andrea Solera Herrera
Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


Costa Rica without Borders 

In this section we publish the Spanish translation of abstracts for articles published by Costa Rican researchers in other international journals, with the appropriate reference to the original work and a brief explanation about where the study was performed. The manuscripts from this section won't include title abstract and keywords in portuguese or spanish. The original papers have been published in languages other than Spanish and the journals are peer-reviewed.

 These abstracts belong to studies meeting the general criteria for our journal, i.e., the emphasis is on experimental studies but we will also accept descriptive studies, metaanalyses, and literature reviews, among others.



  • Luis Fernando Aragón V.
Unchecked Open Submissions Unchecked Indexed Unchecked Peer Reviewed


Guidelines and Consensus Statements 

The main goal of this section is to present the position of various professional organizations related to human movement science and health regarding current topics, such as competition for pre-pubertal children or the mandatory nature of physical education classes in school systems.

As is the case for the other sections of this journal, manuscripts must be original and unpublished. These manuscripts will be rated by our reviewers using one of the following forms:

Detailed Evaluation Form

General evaluation Form (Whit recommendation)


  • Luis Fernando Aragón V.
Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

News in Motion 

This is an opinion section. Therefore, manuscripts will not be peer-reviewed, although they will be subject to editorial review.

Contents must be well grounded; authors must avoid insulting or denigrating members of the exercise science professions.


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Unchecked Peer Reviewed



Databases, novel methods and other complementary files

This new section was created as a follow-up to our 2019 editorial “Radical changes of open science”. Our goal is to publish databases, novel methods and other complementary files, linked to those manuscripts that were accepted for publication in the same issue. We recommend databases to be submitted in *.csv or *.xlsx format, in order to be easily accessible to other scientists. Databases should be curated and annotated, to be readily understood by our readers. The files should  include complete information about the authors and all metadata, they should cite the associated article in a footnote; they will be published under an Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Creative Commons License and will have their own DOI. Even though they are not peer-reviewed, they will be ready for citation.

The publication of research data follows open science policies. These practices are implemented by the best journals, which ensure that these data have the protections necessary to avoid ethical and authorship conflicts, in order to offer greater transparency and clarity in the processes of scientific publishing. You are invited to become acquainted (as some of our authors) with our initiative in this editorial:


  • Luis Fernando Aragón Vargas
  • Melissa Varela Briceño
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