Reflexiones Journal ISSN Impreso: 1021-1209 ISSN electrónico: 1659-2859

The Freedom of expression and the administration of Justice at Venezuela, from 2002 to 2019
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Party influence
Judicial independence
Influencia partidista
Independencia judicial
Medios de comunicación

How to Cite

Zambrano, A. (2021). The Freedom of expression and the administration of Justice at Venezuela, from 2002 to 2019. Reflexiones Journal.



On December 28th, 2006, the President Hugo Chávez announced to the population that the State will not renew the radio licence to the television channel: Radio Caracas Televisión. Consequently, a legal process and a political conflict were initiated, leaving a milestone between the government and the private media.


The conflict between these actors has been reconstructed based on information obtained through non-Governmental Organization. Having as objectives: first, to show the degradation of freedom of expression in Venezuela and; second, to introduce a reflection on the condition of justice in this country.

Method and technique

The data information shows the chronological evolution of the conflict and the cases show the strategies used to yield the interests of journalists and media owners.


This conflict, whose purpose was the moral elimination of the other, highlights three conditions of the Venezuelan political order: the installation of routine authoritarian governance, the presence of a new ruling party that is the winner of the conflict and the absence of an independent Judicial System.


In 2019, the freedom to opinion and information had been lost in Venezuela, becoming a utilitarian object for the government. This conflict and its ending show how the problems that Venezuela had before 1999 have deepened, both from the point of view of freedom of expression and the Administration of Justice.
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