Reflexiones Journal ISSN Impreso: 1021-1209 ISSN electrónico: 1659-2859

The documentary as a discursive labyrinth: trans men´s stories
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Minority Sexual Group
Grupo sexual minoritario

How to Cite

Jiménez Asenjo, W. (2022). The documentary as a discursive labyrinth: trans men´s stories. Reflexiones Journal, 101(2).


Introduction: The analysis of trans men´s stories of the Guatemalan documentary Hombres en Transformación has shown that the experiences they share, question the hegemonic forms that privilege the construction of gender from binary visions and invite us to think about new political proposals that start from their own readings.

Objective: For this reason, this analysis tries to expose questions about the construction of trans masculinities faced with an institutional framework that privileges transnormativity.

Method: Given the qualitative nature of this critical discourse analysis, two categories are constructed, the hegemonic transmasculinity that privileges the binary and transphobic gender and the subaltern trans masculinity that critically deconstructs the institutional demands that limit the possibility of experiencing gender from other corporalities. and subjectivities.

Results: It was found that the stories of trans men directly question the binary gender system and the institutions that reproduce it, such as the health system, the family and the legal authorities.

Conclusion: In this regard, it is concluded that the documentary is a means of social denunciation, but at the same time it is a space for construction and interpellation to the viewer who, from these three, can empathize and understand the complexity of the construction of the gender.
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