Reflexiones Journal ISSN Impreso: 1021-1209 ISSN electrónico: 1659-2859

Social representations in gerontological service providers
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Old age
Caring person
Gerontological services
Persona cuidadora
Servicios gerontológicos

How to Cite

Marquez Terraza, A. V., Azzolino, J. M., Agüero, S. A., Martínez, P. S., & Marsollier, R. G. (2023). Social representations in gerontological service providers. Reflexiones Journal, 102(1), 1–19.


Introduction: Social representations are a type of practical knowledge that modulate our behaviors. In the area of services, this theoretical construct is of special importance, as it can influence the ways of providing services and the relationship between providers and users.

Main objective: This research aims to analyze the possible relationship between the social representations that the service providers have upon the elderly members of the population and the characteristics that are associated with the services for such people.

Method and technique: A qualitative methodology was used in this work. 27 gerontological service providers from the eastern area of the province of Mendoza in Argentina took part in this analysis. The data collection instrument was the semi-structured interview and the information obtained was analyzed using the Grounded Theory.  

Results: The results show that the gerontological service providers consider the elderly as dependent people. Thus would insure basic care but also would limit the access to other rights such as leisure, social and cultural activities. Furthermore, it was found that aspects such as elderly assistant’s education, age and working environments influence upon the way the elderly social representation is structured.

Conclusions: The social representations of those who provide services to elderly people can condition their practices with this population, resulting in iatrogenic services that do not aim to promote active aging for the elderly adults.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Ana Victoria Marquez Terraza, Juan Marcos Azzolino, Sabrina Abril Agüero, Pablo Sebastián Martínez, Roxana Graciela Marsollier


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