Reflexiones Journal ISSN Impreso: 1021-1209 ISSN electrónico: 1659-2859

Drug dealing and police control in Rincon Grande of Pavas
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Legitimacy, Costa Rica, Police, Rumors, Perceptions
Legitimidad, Costa Rica, Policía, Rumores, Percepciones

How to Cite

Saborío, S. (2022). Drug dealing and police control in Rincon Grande of Pavas. Reflexiones Journal, 103(1), 1–21.


Introduction: This article shows that among residents of Rincon Grande of Pavas, a group of vulnerable neighborhoods in capital of Costa Rica, circulate negative rumors regarding police activity against drug dealing. These rumors reflect discontent of local population towards police forces in the analyzed area.

Objective: There are no studies in Costa Rica about police control over drug dealing in marginalized urban areas, and its consequences with regards to the relation between the police forces and the local population. This article seeks to bridge this gap and, to do so, analyzes the case of Rincon Grande of Pavas.

Methodology: In order to reach the conclusions presented in this article, the author uses 67 in depth interviews carried out mainly with residents of the analyzed area between March 2019 and March 2020, and a focus group with five police officers in February 2019.

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