Reflexiones Journal ISSN Impreso: 1021-1209 ISSN electrónico: 1659-2859

The development of tourist destinations from natural protected areas in Argentina:
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Schenkel, E. (2022). The development of tourist destinations from natural protected areas in Argentina: : a territorial analysis of tourism valorization policies. Reflexiones Journal, 103(1), 1–24.


Introduction: The research has shown the relevance that acquires the tourism appreciation policy of the preserved nature in Argentina, in the sense that the external positioning of the country in the global tourism market starts to articulate from the quality and diversity of its protected areas. However, not all the conservation units attracted the same interest from the government at the time to implement the appreciation policies

Objective: The study's aim is to analyze the role that is assumed by natural protected areas in the tourism instrumented policy from the diversity and complexity that they cover. This needs to go beyond the institutionalized policy in order to deepen the differential impact that acquires in each place once it is implemented.

Methodology: Given the mixed nature of this study, corpus documental analysis, observation, and application of general interviews to key actors who participate in the process are remarked for the studio we resorted to the public policies analysis as a methodologic theoretical approach that proposes to contrast what is formulated with what is implemented, to finally approximate evaluations.

Results: it is evidenced that diversity and equity criteria that lead to a promotion strategy (in order to set the country in the global market from the wide biodiversity of environments) are not applied in the tourism valorization policy, that concentrates the provision of infrastructure and tourism services in the traditional parks internationally acknowledged for their monumental landscapes and scenic beauties.

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