Introduction: The years 2020-22 were critical for the world due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In the Latin American region, it evidenced the complex and acute reality, characterized by poverty, vulnerabilities, inequalities, exclusions and inequities, scarce resources and a survival crisis, with poor public health management that is moving from the pandemic to the syndemic , a situation that left many families affected or without their loved ones.
Objective: Establish the context of social policies between the pandemic and the syndemic, by identifying the tensions in undergraduate academic training caused by the syndemic. Method and techniques: The article has a reflective and systematizing scope that combines the descriptive and interpretative, it goes from the abstract to the concrete, from the deductive to the inductive, it combines the general and the particular. The techniques used were content analysis, participatory observation, and students and teachers, with a critical and participatory approach through research and teaching carried out during the syndemic to date, experienced the combination with the testimony of what.
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