Introduction: This document is based on a recapitulation of the experiences, learning and challenges faced by third year Social Work students of the University of Costa Rica in the community of Valle Bonito de Upala.
Main Objective: To reconstruct the work process of the Social Work students in the community of Valle Bonito, in order to show the diverse experiences lived in the local space.
Method and technique: The present work process was carried out by means of Participatory Action Research where different theoretical categories were analyzed, always positioned from a political ethical framework of human rights, where participatory techniques based on popular education and ludo pedagogy were implemented.
Results: The approach with the community is evidenced, as well as the understanding of the dynamics that originates in the local space; where the students strengthen the work processes, as well as learning about the non-linearity of the same.
Conclusion: The approach as students to the communities, allows to show a reality very different from what academically is accustomed to, broadens the panorama thus showing what can be found in the future in the workplace, in turn, knowledge and tools are acquired that will be useful in the professional work.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Milagro Granados Cruz, Verónica Fernández Villalobos , Natasha Solano Solís , Daniela Zamora González, Sugeydi Alfaro Sandi