Lenguas modernas; literatura; creación; didáctica

Journal Of Modern Languages ISSN Impreso: 1659-1933 ISSN electrónico: 2215-5643

OAI: https://revistas.ucr.ac.cr/index.php/rlm/oai

About the Journal

Focus and scope

Founded in 2004, the Journal of Modern Languages (JML) is an academic publication, biannual (June-November and December-May) and open access. As a scientific journal, its goal is to publish academic, unpublished and original articles in the area of ​​foreign languages. Therefore, it invites national and foreign researchers to send their manuscripts in the following languages: Spanish, English, French, Italian, Portuguese and German, and to the following sections:

Linguistics studies. This section receives scientific studies on the origin, evolution and structure of foreign languages. It also supports comparative linguistics studies between a foreign language and Spanish. It is recommended to follow the IMRD format (introduction, methodology, results and development) for submissions to this section.

Literature studies. This section receives research on modern foreign literature and also admits the comparative study between foreign and Costa Rican literature.

Studies on didactics of foreign languages. This section receives proposals focused on the study of the teaching of foreign languages. It is recommended to follow the IMRD format (introduction, methodology, results and development) for submissions to this section.

Cultural studies. This section receives manuscripts on cultural and artistic themes whose focus covers the study of language from a cultural-social aspect, for example but not exclusively, sociolinguistics, the use of language in migrants, language as an element of power, etc.

All submitted manuscripts are submitted to a “double blind pair” evaluation system, made up of national and international academics.

The RLM is aimed at teachers, academics and professionals in the areas of foreign language and literature.

Printed ISSN: 1659-1933
Electronic ISSN: 2215-5643

All its articles are protected under a Creative Commons license: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).

Peer review process
The Journal of Modern Languages only admits for study the documents that are send via its official website. All manuscripts must comply with the Guidelines for authors required by the JML. The sending, editing and publication process has no cost for the authors.

Once the document is received, the process is as follows:

1. The system notifies the author of the entry of their document, which is submitted to a first format revision by the editorial team of the Journal of Modern Languages. This process takes approximately 7 business days. In case of not complying with the Guidelines for authors, the document will be rejected ad portas with the proper indications. The author must incorporate the indicated changes if he/she wants to send the proposal again for consideration. Forwarding of publication proposals must also be made through the JML website.

2. Once the publication proposal complies with the format requirements, the next stage can begin in which only documents that comply with the Guidelines for authors are sent to 2 reviewers in a process of blind peer review, which that ensures the objectivity of the opinion. If there is a discrepancy in criteria, it is sent to a third evaluation until a coherent and informed acceptance or rejection opinion is obtained. The peer review follows an evaluation format where the criteria of quality, originality, unpublished character, thematic relevance and format prevail; this evaluation chart is given to each blind pair to complete and add their scientific criteria. Under this process, the reviewer does not know the identity of the author and vice versa.

3. After a period of approximately 16 weeks, the author is notified of the evaluation result: acceptance, acceptance with observations or rejection of the document. The manuscript whose evaluation ends in a rejection cannot be sent in its original version again to the RLM.

4. This review process can be repeated in case of acceptance with observations. In this case, the author will attend to the indications made by the reviewers and will attach, through the JML website, his/her document together with a list that allows comparing the changes with respect to the first version.

5. In the event that the content of the article has a lot of graphic material, the author will be contacted to review and support the editing process, providing the visual resources with the highest quality required or reviewing details of special, phonetic or linguistic characters.

6. If the editorial team detects that the document has been submitted previously or simultaneously to another journal, it will immediately suspend its review and the author will be notified of its ethical fault and consequent rejection of the document. The editorial committee of the JML has the power of the final decision of acceptance or rejection of the articles, based on the opinions of reviewers and on the revision of format and style.

Publication frequency

The Journal of Modern Languages publishes two issues per year. Since issue 36 changed to continuous publishing editorial mode. At the moment, the JML is returning to its old periodicity (January-June and July-December); Therefore, to meet the requirements of continuous periodicity requested by the academic indexes, recent issues have the following publication dates:

  • Number 33 : December, 2020- May, 2021.
  • Number 34: June-December, 2021.
  • Number 35: January-June, 2022.
  • Number 36 (current issue): July-December, 2022.

Manuscript reception
The Journal of Modern Languages invites national and foreign authors to submit their proposals from February 1 to November 30 of the current year.

Open access policy
The Journal of Modern Languages provides free and immediate access to its content, which encourages a greater global knowledge exchange (see the Budapest Open Access Initiative). This open access includes the possibility that users can read, download, store, print, search, index and link the full texts of this Journal, provided that these actions are carried out without commercial purposes and the source and authorship of the document are quoted. The JML is governed by a Creative Commons® Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivative 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND) license.

Digital preservation policy
The Journal of Modern Languages preserves the archives of its articles on the server of the Escuela de Lenguas Modernas and on the Journal’s Website of the University of Costa Rica (OJS management system). Additionally, it archives its documents in memory devices, work computers and in a computer cloud.

Indexes and databases
Google Scholar
Microsoft Academic Search

Journal Tocs




Publishing house
The publishing entity is the University of Costa Rica, and it is published in the Escuela de Lenguas Modernas, Ciudad Universitaria Rodrigo Facio, San Jose, Costa Rica.

The Journal of Modern Languages is printed by the Sistema Editorial y de Difusión de la Investigación (SIEDIN) of the University of Costa Rica, Ciudad Universitaria Rodrigo Facio, San Jose 2060, Costa Rica. Phone: (506) 2511 5310. E-mail: webmaster.siedin@ucr.ac.cr

The Journal of Modern Languages is sponsored by the Escuela de Lenguas Modernas of the Facultad de Letras, Ciudad Universitaria Rodrigo Facio. Likewise, it receives the support of the Office of the Vicerrectoría de Investigación as an official journal of the University of Costa Rica.

The Journal of Modern Languages opens the following communication channels. It is clarified that the documents will be received only in the JML’s website.

Journal of Modern Languages, office 321, Facultad de Letras, Ciudad Universitaria Rodrigo Facio. Phone: 2511-8447. E-mail: revista.elm@ucr.ac.cr

Verónica Murillo Chinchilla, director of the Journal of Modern Languages, University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica. E-mail: veronica.murillo_c@ucr.ac.cr

Laura Solano Rivera, editor of the Journal of Modern Languages, University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica. E-mail: laura.solanorivera@ucr.ac.cr

Emerson Aragón Cano, graphic editor of the Journal of Modern Languages, University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica. E-mail: emerson.aragon@ucr.ac.cr