Lenguas modernas; literatura; creación; didáctica

Journal Of Modern Languages ISSN Impreso: 1659-1933 ISSN electrónico: 2215-5643

OAI: https://revistas.ucr.ac.cr/index.php/rlm/oai
"What more fantasy than the Antilles?":


Popular culture; Caribbean Diaspora; Junot Díaz; Caribbean Literatures; Transculturation.
Cultura popular; Diáspora caribeña; Junot Díaz; Literaturas del Caribe; Transculturación.

How to Cite

Sáenz Leandro, R. A. (2021). "What more fantasy than the Antilles?":: A Rereading of the novel The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao from the Caribbean Poetics. Journal Of Modern Languages, (34), 93–114. https://doi.org/10.15517/rlm.v0i34.42798


The article proposes a rereading of The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao (2007), an award-winning novel by the Dominican-American writer Junot Díaz, based on the selection of a corpus of Caribbean Poetics. The purpose is to demonstrate that these can continue to embed a useful analytical framework for studying contemporary literary productions produced by the Caribbean diaspora in the United States. The main thesis of the article is that in The Brief… it is possible to elucidate transculturation procedures in myths and identities that would lead the author to develop a kind of counterpoint between two predominant meta-discourses, namely, that of the mythical-magical component (“premodern”), Traditionally studied for the Caribbean literature, and that of Anglo-Saxon (white) popular culture developed around gender narratives (science fiction and epic fantasy). It is concluded that the essence of the categories proposed in the studied poetics remains fundamental to approach a novel that returns to the tropisms of the Caribbean literatures to update the function of myth and race in the story.



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