Bean production in Cuba: present situation and inmediate perspective.


  • Marisa Chailloux Laboratorio Rhizobiología. Estación Experimental “La Renée”, Quivicán, La Habana, Cuba.
  • Germán Hernández Laboratorio Rhizobiología. Estación Experimental “La Renée”, Quivicán, La Habana, Cuba.
  • Benito Faure Laboratorio Rhizobiología. Estación Experimental “La Renée”, Quivicán, La Habana, Cuba.
  • Roberto Caballero Laboratorio Rhizobiología. Estación Experimental “La Renée”, Quivicán, La Habana, Cuba.



In Cuba aproximately 38.000 ha of beans are sown in the Ministry of Agriculture, with a total production old to the state of 9.000 t. The highest porcentage belongs to state agencies under favorable environment and monoculture rotational system. The reminder is produced in agronomy cooperatives and by individual farmers; in all the cases yields are low. Experimental results obtained in the country, indicate that higher yields could be obtained. The main limiting factors affecting bean produce are: the lack of the areas devoted to this crop, low level of technology adoption and transference, poor availability of quality seed for the whole planted area and unefficient management of the harvest and post harvest. The conclusion is that there are agroecological and structural conditions, as wellas a great deal of research results, which allow to resort to the popularization of the crops, together with a sustainable territorial self-production of the grain for consumption and seed. To develope a broad base extension service program that allows the knowledge up-to-date of the producers and to keep the development of the national research programin permit to meet the availability for new technologies to  face the diversity of problems involved in bean production.


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How to Cite

Chailloux, M., Hernández, G., Faure, B., & Caballero, R. (2016). Bean production in Cuba: present situation and inmediate perspective. Agronomía Mesoamericana, 7(2), 98–107.

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