Actualidades Investigativas en Educación ISSN electrónico: 1409-4703

Bender test and learning difficulties in mathematics of students with special needs of the Puno city, Peru
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Chui Betancur, H. N., Yabar Miranda, P. S., Valdivia Yabar, S. V., & Arista Santisteban, S. M. (2017). Bender test and learning difficulties in mathematics of students with special needs of the Puno city, Peru. Actualidades Investigativas En Educación, 17(3).


The present paper addressed the degree of correlation between the level of learning and visual - maturation maturation for the learning of the children with special needs of the Educational Institutions Niño Jesús de Praga and Our Lady of Copacabana of the city of Puno to verify the contribution Predictive of the age of visomotor maturation in the learning of mathematics. A documentary analysis of learning levels in mathematics and the Bender test were applied to evaluate the age of visual-maturation maturation to a sample composed of 38 students. The results show that 22 students of the first Educational Institution have a chronological age of 12.70 years on average (SD = 3.71 years) and the average age of visual-maturation maturation for learning is equal to 4 years (SD = 0, 55 years). Likewise, 16 students of the second Educational Institution have a chronological age of 12.83 years on average (SD = 3.00 years) and the average age of visual-maturation for learning is equal to 3.68 years on average (DE = 0.60 years). These results show the existence of a positive and significant r = 0.70 correlation between learning levels in mathematics and the age of visual-maturation maturation for learning, which means that the learning levels of mathematics depend on visual-maturation maturation . Consequently, it demands to implement the calculation of the age of maturation in the curricular diversification in such a way that the educational services are suitable and pertinent for the children with special needs.
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