Actualidades Investigativas en Educación ISSN electrónico: 1409-4703

Guidance intervention for the recognition of diversity. Intercultural considerations in the school space
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Brenes Venegas, J., Herrera López, Y., Méndez Elizondo, F., Morales Trejos, C., & Rodríguez Oviedo, I. (2019). Guidance intervention for the recognition of diversity. Intercultural considerations in the school space. Actualidades Investigativas En Educación, 19(1).


This article shows results of the research "Professional Practices in Orientation. A study on the recognition of diversity from the intercultural approach in three educational institutions of I and II cycle of General Basic Education of Palmares "Within the purposes of the study are to identify theoretical and practical foundations of education for diversity and interculturality that are present in the orienting professional practices, which are performed in interaction contexts as it is in the interactive space of the Costa Rican educational centers. For the above, a qualitative research was carried out, and it was raised from a hermeneutic-interpretative cut, using 6 in-depth interviews of which 3 were to professional people in Orientation and 3 in educational administration, in addition to 3 focus groups, each of Approximately 8 students between 11 and 13 years of age of both sexes in 3 primary education institutions in the canton of Palmares, Costa Rica. The results are the expressions based on the principles: prevention, development and social intervention of the Orientation discipline. For the implementation of each strategies, it has been considerated the material and human resources existing in the schools; like orienting professional people and TIC. As a relevant conclusion, the search is considered important for favoring skills such as: active listening, respect, empathy and critical thinking in the student body. The aforementioned, within the framework of a sustained process over time, that includes what is our own, what is foreign, what is ours, and all those cultural and social references that allow minors to be better citizens in an environment of equitable growth.
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