Higher education institutions evoke efforts towards innovative actions that encourage the internationalization of the curriculum and promote the development of intercultural competence with the use of English as a medium of instruction in their educational programs. Considering the theoretical approach of educational innovation and the perspective of internationalization, this text analyzes the restrictive factors that generate in an innovation process where the teaching of subjects in English is implemented for a public institution of higher education in Mexico. From the quantitative approach and the descriptive method, a digital questionnaire is applied to 36 accredited teachers during 2018-2019 to offer this type of teaching. The results indicate aspects that mostly restrict the innovation process, although the interest and willingness of teachers towards this process also stands out. The limiting factors include the insufficiency of institutional management, within administrative bodies and departments, the lack of support for teachers and follow-up to these subjects, and the absence of a shared understanding of the innovation’s objectives; situation that allows to suppose a programmatic understanding about internationalization. The need to promote institutional policies articulated with practice, understanding and adaptation to the different disciplinary fields is concluded, as well as establishing more practical guidelines for the implementation of this type of internationalization. In addition to the relevance of using other theoretical perspectives for the study of the internationalization of the curriculum.
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