Actualidades Investigativas en Educación ISSN electrónico: 1409-4703

Impact of educative intervention on the motivation to read of vulnerable students
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Munita, F., & León Zuluaga, K. (2023). Impact of educative intervention on the motivation to read of vulnerable students. Actualidades Investigativas En Educación, 23(1), 1–31.


The present work arises from a teaching interest in contributing to the reading and literary training of students who have not experienced favorable conditions for approaching reading in their social context, as well as from a research interest in knowing the impact of an educational intervention focused on the promotion of reading for this student profile. In that context, a case study is presented with the objective of characterizing the motivation to read (in its dimensions of reading self-image and the value attributed to reading) of high school students before and after taking a literary program focused on the promotion of reading. The sample corresponds to twenty-three 10th grade students of a highly vulnerable institution in Colombia. The data were constructed during the 2019 academic year through a mixed approach, applying a questionnaire and an interview that make up the Adolescent Motivation to Read Profile test (Pitcher et al., 2007). The results show an improvement trend in the students' motivation to read, although it is highlighted that this trend is more emphasized in the value attributed to reading than in the reading self-image. Finally, the interest of the results is discussed to think about educational actions focused on promoting reading in highly vulnerable educational contexts.
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