e-Ciencias de la Información ISSN electrónico: 1659-4142

OAI: https://revistas.ucr.ac.cr/index.php/eciencias/oai
Central problems in scientific research publications: analysis through a latin american perspective
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Scientific production
Evaluation of science
Impact rates
Latin America
Open access
Gender gap
Producción científica
Evaluación de la ciencia
Índices de impacto
Acceso abierto
Brecha de género

How to Cite

Cabrera, M., & Saraiva Cruz, I. (2022). Central problems in scientific research publications: analysis through a latin american perspective. E-Ciencias De La Información, 12(1). https://doi.org/10.15517/eci.v12i1.46145


Identification and analysis of the main problems of scientific researches by studying the different components of the ecosystems they are produced, emphasising in Latin America's reality.
Through surveying and bibliographical analysis, problems such as access ways, quality and evaluation criteria, visibility, language barriers and gender gap are identified. As they are defined, these concepts are also threaded, adding complexity to the matter and allowing to visualize scientific media current's state. Its purpose is to open the field for future proposals regarding greater access and narrowing the inequality gap. Besides, the topic's exposure provides researchers with a wider group of elements when thinking about their work and how to publish it. From a latin american perspective, there is observance of certain aspects linked to the growth of the open access movement, which is mainly sustained by insitutions and publishers that try to improve ways of distribution, circulation, visibilty and access, despite limited resources. Finally, the importance of defending and boosting the scientific information access model based on open access is strongly outlined, as one of the main policies that will allow to keep corporate interests apart from the knowledge scientific communities produce.

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