In this work, the narrative or traditional review article is analyzed as an important and valuable source of information for scientific research, both in natural sciences and social sciences. In this sense, questions were raised regarding its essential characteristics, its difference with another review modality, specifically, the systematic review, and with another very different genre such as the essay. In addition, questions are asked about the level of evidence and scientific validity of the narrative review. The method used to answer the questions posed was the semi-systematic review with a qualitative approach. The most significant result reveals the validity and importance of the narrative review as a complement to other types of review, given its usefulness in the compilation of dispersed information, its integrated and summarized presentation, and its contribution to the detection of knowledge gaps for research. It is concluded that the degree of evidence and scientific validity of the narrative review article is determined by the branch of science in which it is developed, as well as by the research paradigm and approach assumed.
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