This work analyzes the micropolitics of the school to know the organization of each particular center, as well as the conflicts that arise among their members. In this stage, the executive leadership takes most important role, because it allows dialogue to foster and the quest of consensus. This political dynamic save close relation with the macro structure hierarchical, rational and linear order. Therefore, studying will help to reach the core of the constitutional life, revealing the hidden motives that cause conflicts, discovering its constitutive basis, their interest games and the way that the power is nourished under the umbrella of the regulations and is tempered by its protagonists. However, the struggles of power for the common or particular interest allows the formation of groups or coalitions in defense of their objectives taking this into account, the object of this word paper is to present a short essay as a result of a bibliographic review related to the subject matter (leadership and micro). The same that its comforted with opinions, presented as empirical examples of members of the educational community of three central publics of the Zaragoza (Spain) city, obtained through ethnographic interviews. This heterogeneous group consists of three directors, three teachers, three parents, a head of studies and three students. The confrontation of views between the sources consulted and the judgments of the informants reveal that the leadership of the director, if there, plays an important role in promoting dialogue in schools role as the leader acts as a catalyst for participation and as mediator in the search for consensus between different positions in collective benefit, without these poses to the school principal lose auctoritas and potestas.References
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