The evaluation of our preschoolers and during the first cycle in the field of motor development has generated important questions in recent years. It is conceived aselement of formal education and as sponsorcomprehensive knowledge of the human being.The assessment generates that knowledge throughmeasurement, which is what permits (as process)summarize information to facilitate understandingphenomena and developmental stages of children andgirls, in this case, Costa Rica.Above all is to evaluate the motor to find features, strengths and weaknesses ofdevelopment and make timely interventions in thetransitional and primary cycles.25 summarizes test, scales or tests, theybriefly describe the skills to assess,age and gender, as well as the citationrespective.In this way the teacher (physical education or regular) has a guide that will initially allow short-term diagnostic possibilitiesmotor development of their students.Comments
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