Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

The grid in editorial design as a means of graphic communication
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elementos gráficos
diseño editorial
espacios negativos
comunicación gráfica
graphic elements
editorial design
negative space
graphic communication

How to Cite

Ramírez Chacón, F. (2015). The grid in editorial design as a means of graphic communication. Revista Estudios, (31), 380–393.


Since the human being marked his footprint in the rock caves of Altamira, Spain and other places of our planet; manifested its art and left its state with shapes and stains. Observing these signs wonder and amazes; bing facing each art carries directly to the real moment, that magical space that conveys sensitivity in each stroke to communicate their state.
The human being to capture every trace in caverns, and every image left its legacy; marked the moment in each stroke, each color adventure captured in the rock. He painted his day, his experience, his anguish, death, blood, joy for hunting and actually marked his reality on the “litho” (stone) which would report the chronicle of his life. Today the story is communicated in another way, but it will be always through this “graphic” (write), which shows their daily lives.
The process of print communication begins 500 years ago, with the development of the mobile types of Gutenberg, which brought a cultural and economical development for the society, because the texts were easier to reproduce.
The printed means of communication media have been in different contexts of the society. They have witnessed and communicators of the many protagonists of the history told in its pages.
The target in these articles is that the reader improves the use and management of the graphic elements that are available at the moment of publishing the editorial design or as it is also known by the term layout.
The proposal of this text emerges from the need to improve graphic communication in the print media, mainly by difficulty showed in some graphical reading media to communicate their content to readers.
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