For a long time, the building of the Inter-oceanic Canal was a theme of great interest for the Costarican press of the XIX and beginning of the XX centuries. The possibility of the canal being built through Nicaragua touched Costa Rica’s national interests, as it had to allow workers to cross the San Juan River bordering Nicaragua. At the end, the enormity of the construction led Costa Rica to assume that, once finished, it would benefit the country at the economic level.
In this article, the vision of the Costarican press before the sudden independence of Panama and the subsequent buying by the United States of the works and land where the Panama Canal is located, will be analyzed. An analysis of the imperialistic development of the northern power serves as a historical framework.
At the conclusion there is an examination about the future of the canal, already managed by Panama since the year 2000. Today, after more than 100 years of the canal being built and the problems of national sovereignty that so much worried this isthmian nation being solved, Costa Rica "feels" detached to the changes that are currently proposed. The future of the canal is no longer the Costarican future.
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Al Día (diciembre 2005 y octubre 2006)
El Canal de Centroamérica (1889)
El Eco Católico (1897-1903)
El Heraldo de Costa Rica (1893-1895 y 1898-1901)
La Gaceta (1880-1903)
La Nación (octubre 2006)
La Prensa Libre (1880-1903)
La Prensa Libre (octubre 2006)
La República (1887-1903)
La República (abril y octubre 2006)