Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

The action in perspective. An approach from neuroethics and the theory of Elsterian rationality
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Decision making
Toma de decisiones

How to Cite

Vázquez Parra, J. C., & García Caballero, L. (2018). The action in perspective. An approach from neuroethics and the theory of Elsterian rationality. Revista Estudios, (36), 329–348.


The article seeks to make a reflection on the action and the decision making from the neuroethics and the elsterian theory of the rationality. In this analysis, the authors seek to scrutinize the elements that are considered as constituents of the act from both approaches, determining what role rationality plays at the moment of decision making. In spite of the fact that both proposals value rationality over any other element of the agent's behavior, in the conclusion it has been possible to identify that there are notions, such as emotions, that play a very relevant place, even being the meeting point between both theories.
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