Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

Enrique Lihn's Batman in Chile: the locus horridus and the show
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kitsch; hyper-rhetoric; Latin American novel; simulation; hyperreality
kitsch; hiperretórica; novela latinoamericana; simulacro; hiperrealidad


enrique Lihn's novels mask behind a culture of show business, latent repressive acts. The author's narrative is crossed by the presence of intolerable situations generated by a fascist regime, which uses ideological rhetoric and simulation, to create cults for personality and forms of cultural vassalage. Batman in Chile is built as an artifact that shows the national locus horridus. Through kitsch, as a textual strategy, the author appropriates the language and formats left by the detritus of the mass media, while seeking to evade an environment of censorship and control over discourses. The world of the novel is a simulacrum of ideologies that fit the American model of life. A representation of the Chilean reality of the cold war period that exposes the spectacle and the mass media as ideological apparatuses at the service of the deformations of power and its rhetoric.
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