Revista humanidades ISSN electrónico: 2215-3934

Capitalist Ethnophagy in Count Dracula: a Critical and Anticolonial Reading
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literatura europea
diferenciación cultural
European literature
cultural differentiation
literatura europeia
diferenciação cultural

How to Cite

Brito Alvarado, X., Rodríguez Caguana, A., & Castro León, F. (2024). Capitalist Ethnophagy in Count Dracula: a Critical and Anticolonial Reading. Revista Humanidades, 14(2), e56397.


Vampires are monsters that wander between life and death, they inhabit the night, they are mysterious, dangerous and seductive; a combination that terrifies and fascinates, converted into figures that can be coupled to various socio-historical contexts such as the decline of the British Empire, the rise of capitalist modernity, among others. This work as a central axis for the debate intends to assume Dracula from its historical, political and symbolic dimension that brings him closer to ethnophagic capitalism that, through seduction and deception, traps its victims. For that purpose, this essay starts from the historical analysis of Dracula as a metaphor of capitalism and explores its various social dimensions, which has traced the evolution of Western societies. Methodologically, the choice of the theoretical literature was based on different perspectives that combine literature, history, economics, politics and fantasy, which provide a broad, complex and stressful view of Dracula.
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