Cuadernos Inter.c.a.mbio sobre Centroamérica y el Caribe ISSN Impreso: 1659-0139 ISSN electrónico: 1659-4940

New section: [.SUWA´: creative production.]

This section seeks to disseminate literary texts (lyrical, narrative or essayistic, among others) that dialogue with the socio-cultural themes addressed by the magazine. To specify the interrelation between creative freedom and the search for knowledge, this section is named after the Bribri term Suwa', which means wind, knowledge, and traditional storytelling. Cuadernos Inter.c.a.mbio sobre Centroamérica y el Caribe thanks Bribri researcher Alí García Segura for providing us with this valuable information. Alí García Segura belongs to the original Bribri people (from the Talamanca region in Costa Rica). He is a Bribri Language and Culture Advisor at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Costa Rica. He has collaborated in research and publications of his native language in academia.

The journal's editorial team is responsible for evaluating these submissions’ quality and relevance.

Each submission proposal must be accompanied by a duly signed letter of authorization for publication.

In the case of previously published texts, these must include a footnote giving the corresponding credits.

If necessary, the author must provide proof that the previous publisher of the text authorizes a new publication.

The text must be submitted in its final form. The suggested length for documents published in this section is between five pages (500 words) and twenty pages (8,000 words), in Times New Roman (12 pts.), single-spaced. Taking into account that this section is characterized by publishing diverse and non-peer reviewed texts, the publication of documents that do not comply with this page range may be considered.

Papers submitted for publication in this section do not require an abstract or keywords.

The title of the text must be translated into English and Portuguese.

A previous philological review is recommended.