Cuadernos Inter.c.a.mbio sobre Centroamérica y el Caribe ISSN Impreso: 1659-0139 ISSN electrónico: 1659-4940

The Anecdotes of a “Pariah With a Voice”: The Gay Man in a Selection of Stories from <em>Cartas a hombres</em> (2018), by David Ulloa
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modern pariah
conscious pariah
gay subjectivity
Costa Rican literature
homosexual identity
paria moderno
paria consciente
subjetividad gay
literatura costarricense
identidad homosexual
pária moderno
pária consciente
subjetividade gay
literatura costarriquenha
identidade homossexual

How to Cite

Rojas González, J. P. (2019). The Anecdotes of a “Pariah With a Voice”: The Gay Man in a Selection of Stories from <em>Cartas a hombres</em> (2018), by David Ulloa. Cuadernos Inter.c.a.Mbio Sobre Centroamérica Y El Caribe, 17(1), e39453.


This essay analyzes, in three stories by David Ulloa, the construction of gay subjectivity as a subjectivity with contradictions (produced by its situation in the world), which moves between assimilation and rebellion. First, the study considers the notion of “pariah”, explained by Eleni Varikas, but also by other authors like Hannah Arendt and Didier Eribon, to define the homosexual as a “modern pariah”. Then, an analysis of the stories is offered in order to explain the voice of the narrator-protagonist as a voice of his own (since exposes different moments of his life). Although with contradictions, this voice tries to rise against the imperatives constituted around those subjects who are systematically deprived –because they can’t “speak”– of the conditions that make possible a full political, social and private life. In the work, reference is made to different elements treated throughout the Ulloa texts, such as sexuality, emotions, identity or illness (HIV/AIDS).
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