Cuadernos Inter.c.a.mbio sobre Centroamérica y el Caribe ISSN Impreso: 1659-0139 ISSN electrónico: 1659-4940

Vol. 19 No. 1 (2022): January - June 2022
January - June 2022

Thematic number (scientific articles) (refereed section)

Ana María Parrilla Albuerne, José Javier Guillén Villafuerte
The Propios, Arbitrios and Bienes de Comunidad of the Reino de Guatemala. A Historiographic Approach (1760-1821)
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Aaron Pollack, Juan Carlos Sarazúa Pérez
Taxation in the History of Central America and Chiapas: Historiographical Developments and Possible Paths Forward, 1760-1840
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José Antonio Serrano Ortega
From Guatemala to the Internal Provinces of the West. Provincial Councils and Fiscal Structure and Constitutional Councils´ Public Finances, 1820-1822
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Francisco Rodolfo González Galeotti
A Historiographical Overview Families of the Kingdom of Guatemala
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Coralia Gutiérrez Álvarez
Historiography of Social Movements in the Independences. Indigenous Peoples in the Kingdom of Guatemala
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Aarón Arguedas Zamora
Historiography of the Central American Military Confrontations, 1808 to 1824
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Jaime del Arenal Fenochio
The Plan of Iguala as a Fundamental Law of the Independent Mexican State
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Xiomara Avendaño Rojas, Ahildo E. Escobar Rodríguez
Elections and Political Organizations in the 19th Century in Central America: A Historiographic Approach
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Sajid Alfredo Herrera Mena, Leonel Hernández Sánchez
Constitutionalism of Cadiz and Independence in Central America: a Tight Historiographical Balance
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