Dance is an ideal sport modality for the comprehensive development of students, as well as a discipline that promotes inclusion. For this reason, the aim of this study was to carry out a narrative review of the literature related to the benefits that dance provides in children with Down Syndrome (DS). To carry out the search for the documents, the following keywords were used: “Child Education”, “Dance” and “Down Syndrome”. The documents were searched in the Web of Science, Scopus, SPORTDiscus, and PubMed databases, up to January 2023. To adjust the search to the object of study, a series of inclusion criteria were established: i) Any type of scientific document related to the subject matter; ii) Manuscripts which show in the whole text, at least a description of the students with DS of a minimum length of 50 words; iii) Documents in English, Spanish and/or Portuguese; and, iv) Include those manuscripts that allow for the full text to be obtained., obtaining a total of nine documents. The results report that the benefits that could be obtained from dance for students with DS are related to postural awareness and control, improvement in social aspects, and enhancements at cognitive and emotional levels, as well as enjoyment. For this reason, it is recommended to expand the number of future investigations related to dance in the educational system, and specifically, in the childhood education stage, due to the multiple benefits it provides to students with disabilities.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Luisa Gámez-Calvo, Víctor Hernández-Beltrán, Elena Bautista-Peraza, Mario C. Espada, Luis Felipe Castelli Correia de Campos, José M. Gamonales