Reflexiones Journal ISSN Impreso: 1021-1209 ISSN electrónico: 1659-2859

Recognition and rationality in Ethics and dialogue by Albrecht Wellmer
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Struggle for Recognition
Faculty of judgment
Social Theory
Critical Theory
Discourse Ethics
Luchas por el reconocimiento
Facultad de Juzgar
Teoría Social
Teoría Crítica
Éticas del discurso

How to Cite

Abril, F. M. (2020). Recognition and rationality in Ethics and dialogue by Albrecht Wellmer. Reflexiones Journal, 99(2).



The theme of this article refers to the link established by Albrecht Wellmer, in his book Ethics and Dialogue (1986), between recognition and rationality / faculty of judgment. We consider, as an introduction, that the author's characterization regarding the link between these two concepts, because one of the most significant difficulties of contemporary critical theory is that it has not yet been able to raise –or, at least, it has not been done satisfactorily– an argumentative bridge between the notion of communicative rationality –Habermas– and that of recognition –Honneth–.


Our main objective is to clarify how Wellmer understands recognition and what is the relationship established between it and the faculty of judgment. To answer the question we will briefly explain, in the first part of the article, some of the central issues raised in the mentioned book.


This will allow us to approach the key point of our discussion, which explains –using the methodology of conceptual reconstruction– the different meanings of the concept of recognition and its links with the faculty of judgment.

Results and conclusion

Although the results of the exhibition at this point are not definitive, we conclude that they enable a promising line for future research.
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