Lenguas modernas; literatura; creación; didáctica

Journal Of Modern Languages ISSN Impreso: 1659-1933 ISSN electrónico: 2215-5643

OAI: https://revistas.ucr.ac.cr/index.php/rlm/oai
Uso de los REA y la RA en el curso de Plantas de Costa Rica del INA
PDF (Español (España))


Realidad Aumentada
Recursos Educativos Abiertos
enseñanza y aprendizaje
recurso didáctico
Augmented Reality
Open Educational Resources
teaching and learning
teaching resource

How to Cite

López Falcón, G. (2016). Uso de los REA y la RA en el curso de Plantas de Costa Rica del INA. Journal Of Modern Languages, (24). https://doi.org/10.15517/rlm.v0i24.24691


The National Training Institute (INA), through the Center for Tourism, offers the figure of Naturalist Guide, as specialization for Tourist Guides. For the guides who wish to be a naturalist one, INA offers a range of training, including plants of Costa Rica. In this context, this project presents a proposal for integration of open educational resources (OER) and augmented reality (AR) as teaching tools for support in the Plants of Costa Rica course with tourism purposes for the Naturalist Program Guide Program at the National Tourism Training Institute. A field analysis was conducted through online questionnaires with teachers and guides, in order to understand the current conditions of the training offer and expectations in the learning process. From these results, a strategy and an implementation guide of REA and RA is generated as a support tool in the course, which promotes more students’ interactivity and participation.

PDF (Español (España))



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