Wimb Lu ISSN Impreso: 1659-2107 ISSN electrónico: 2215-6712

OAI: https://revistas.ucr.ac.cr/index.php/wimblu/oai
Attention to diversity in Higher Education: A proposal from the Community University Work (TCU)
PDF (Español (España))


Trabajo comunal universitario(TCU)
Atención a la diversidad
Educación Inclusiva
Educación Primaria y Preescolar
College Community Service (TCU)
Attention to diversity
Inclusive Education
Preschool and Elementary Education
person with disability

How to Cite

Quesada, L. (2018). Attention to diversity in Higher Education: A proposal from the Community University Work (TCU). Wimb Lu, 13(1), 47–61. https://doi.org/10.15517/wl.v13i1.33225


This article is drawn on a paper presented in March 2017 at the International Congress on Inclusive Education in Oviedo, Spain. It summarizes the results of the work done at TCU-669 (well known as ‘TCU’ in Spanish), College Community Service, named "Attention to diversity within the framework of Inclusive Education". This community service was first implemented in 2015 as a pilot plan project, whose objective was to promote actions improving educational conditions for people with disabilities. Consequently, these actions would contribute to the achievement of academic goals to improve people`s quality of life. Although the aim of the project was based on the individuals who would receive the service, it has been extremely successful in raising awareness and reflection among university students about the diversity and different needs that human beings have. That helps university students acquire desirable skills to develop as future professionals, in a diverse society. Students of different majors enter to this College Community Service meaning a great challenge to work due to the number of different activities in favor of students and people in condition of disability.
PDF (Español (España))


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